Thursday 1 August 2024

The quest must continue.

A witch had cursed Lord Anthony.

The curse could only be lifted when he found and lifted the Holy Grail.

Which made his quest to find the Holy Grail extremely difficult.

The curse gave him the body strength and sexual appetite of a horny young woman.

He felt extremely small weak and exposed in his current body.

He was just a little under five feet tall.

He was slender with a curvy waist and wide hips that were perfect for childbirth.

He had two perfect breasts on his chest and a vagina between his thick thighs and slender legs.

After getting some new armour to fit his new frame he set to recover his manhood and the Holy Grail.

He now had to navigate a world he was not prepared for.

A world where he was not strong and could not defend himself from all manner of men who wanted to take his Maiden Hood.

He had to cope with female issues and female emotions.

Would he find the Holy Grail and become a man before he lost himself to his newfound womanhood?


  1. It started about two or three moons ago(about two or three months ago). Lord Anthony came into his lordship barely a month early than that., His father was a bridge from the old ways and the new ways. He always respected them and the new ways. He tried to instill this in his son, when became of age, he was giving a section of the land until he could rule his families lands. But Anthony had problem of powerful witch. Want he done was unforgivable to the powerful, so she created a powerful spell, that , changed him physically and biologically and maybe mentally and emotionally too. Within the end of full moon Anothony was changed from a 6' 1", a 200 pounds of strength to barely a 5'1" a 125-pound girl. He couldn't wear his armor, it was far to heavy now, He couldn't hold it his sword either , the only thing was his bow he could use when he was half his former size. So he had to had new armor for his feminine body, and weapons that ,he/she could use and hold, why because the powerful witch, sent Lord Anthony certain tasks, if you finish them , the next blue moon, which is about 20 months, if you can finish them, within that time, but there were problems, one was Lord Anthony was now a girl, a girl in armor but a girl. plus, his/her monthly periods, and that he/she is a girl a highly skilled woman, his/her hormones acting in right or wrong times, accidently drinking to much, or that many men will wish to bed Anthony for the night. Bur Lord Anthony knew this was changed that he/she will concord. What happens next that is another story.
