Friday 9 August 2024

It pays the bills and keeps me fit.

Jason would still have preferred to be a man.

But that's not to say he was ungrateful to the body he had been given.

It was just a lot different from his old one.

He wished he could go back to his job on the construction site with his mates because his new body was not suitable.

He had tried it several weeks ago and it was more of a hindrance than a help.

His body distracted men which could lead to men making mistakes which could cost lives on a busy construction site.

He tried several employment agencies but everything they offered him was boring and done.

Working in a call centre. 

Working in a café as a waitress.

Working in their hotel as a made.

Working in a factory sticking labels on boxes.

None of it was for him.

Quickly running out of money and not much choice he decided to do something a little bit more risky.

With the help of one of his ex-girlfriends, he started his sexy video page.

Where men and women could pay to watch him walk on a treadmill whilst practically naked.

It was only meant to be a stop-gap job.

Something to bring in the money to pay the bills.

But two years down the road he found himself still doing it with followers who paid him good money to fulfil their wishes on screen.


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