Sunday 16 June 2024

That's not me requested by Another 16.06.24

Sandra had never had to struggle for anything in her life.

Her father and mother worked to give her a good home life and education.

She married a rich businessman who gave her everything she wanted.

One day, while out shopping with her son, a homeless man came after for spare change.

She kicked over his cup and told him to clean himself up and get a proper job.

She had no idea that decision would ruin her life.

The homeless man turned out to be more than just homeless.

He turned out to be a body possessor.

He stealthy followed the woman back to her home.

He stood outside and used his mental abilities to reach out and grab her mind.

He pulled himself inside her body and took control easily.

Now she is a passenger inside her body watching him live her life.

Now she is watching him take care of her son cook his meals and treat him like a mother should.

Now she is watching him take care of her husband and pleasure to him in ways she would never have degraded herself to do.

She could not believe nobody had noticed she was not herself.

She had no idea everybody was happy with her sudden personality change.

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