Wednesday 19 June 2024

Paintballing trip.

Simon was unhappy when he saw the body skin his friends had picked for him.

They were all big strong muscular men.

He had to crane his neck just to look up at them.

He glared at his friends who all had smiles on their faces.

He was feeling chilly uncomfortable and somewhat unbalanced due to his land breaths.

He gave them a dirty look and said why did you pick this for me.

His friends just looked at him with lustful hungry Eyes.

One of them smiled and said the other team has a girl and we all agreed that we should have a girl too to even it out.

He just looked at them and said but why me?

One of his friends who was checking out his breasts just said because you could not be bothered coming to pick your costume.

Now you are really starting to sound like a woman.

Now stop moaning.

It's only for seven days days.

I am pretty sure you can put up with having breasts a vagina and having to squat in the bushes to pee.

Now grab your backpack it's totally started out and start with the game.

Samuel struggled to pick up his backpack.

It was too heavy for his small female body.

He had to rely on one of his friends to help him.

He said as his friend helped him fasten the clip underneath his breast be careful where you put your hands next time after his friend had coped a quick feel.

1 comment:

  1. My mom was a perv shapeshifter in disguise

    Friends mom

