Monday 17 June 2024

Not today please.

Today was a significant day for the area manager of ACE hardware Android.

He had a massive meeting with investors and he needed everything to be perfect.

To complicate matters even more he was going through and it work bodies what program.

All the male and female employee had swapped bodies with each other to better understand their roles in the company.

This was his second week in Chloe's body.

He had been feeling rough for the past two days.

He guessed he was coming down with a cold.

But this morning he awoke with tender breasts tingling nipples a pain in his lower back and a felt like somebody was scraping his inside out with a rusty spoon.

He grabbed a hold of the breasts and said to himself I hope this is not what I think it is.

Chloe had given him a diary with important information he would need for the next couple of months.

He quickly got out the diary she had given him and saw red dots marking off the next seven days in her calendar.

He said to himself as he headed off to the toilet to find the box of tampons she had given him this had to happen today.

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