Sunday 9 June 2024

Emily Blunt Blonde Requested by Josef Zápotocky 09.06.24

Josef had only signed up as swamps are a good six weeks ago.

It wasn't a job he was looking forward to doing.

But the money was good and it only lasted nine months really how bad can pregnancy and childbirth be.

He never expected his first client to be Emily Blunt Blonde.

She had interviewed 27 men and women before picking him.

There was just something about him she liked.

Instead of the usual swapping bodies she had him transformed into an exact copy of her and artificially inseminated with one of her eggs that had been fertilized by her husband's sperm.

Two weeks after that his pregnancy was confirmed.

He moved in with her and her husband.

Well, she was out making movies and being famous he carried her baby.

He was prepared for morning sickness headaches dizziness and a feeling of being run down.

He was prepared for aching breasts and swollen feet.

He was prepared for getting bigger and bigger and feeling uncomfortable.

What he was not prepared for was the mental changes.

One minute he would be extremely happy the next he would be sad.

He would not prepare for certain food making him want to vomit.

He was not prepared for the constant need to use the toilet thanks to the baby using his bladder as a trampoline.

He was not prepared for how it would feel to have something growing inside of you.

You could feel it moving kicking.

You could even sometimes see its little hand stretch out.

He was not prepared for the weird cravings he would get.

He was not prepared for the unbelievable horniness he was feeling.

He always fought when a woman got pregnant she no longer had feelings like that.

He started feeling more and more attached to the baby growing inside of him.

By the end of his pregnancy, he did not want to give up the baby.

He was so relieved and happy after 15 hours of excruciating childbirth with no painkillers as she wanted it to be as natural as possible but she offered him to position as wetness and nanny to the baby.

Now his life was full of joy and happiness dirty diapers swollen and sore nipples and a constant lack of sleep.

Which made him extremely happy.


  1. Hello, How are you?

    If you let me, i would like to make two stories:

    1.A criminal who was escaping police, kills a plumber and take his place. He then uses a device he stole, to morph and a replace a hardworking divorced mom.

    Time to morph

    New mom

    2.A criminal who was escaping police, finds disguise as plumber. He then possess (one way spell), a hardworking divorced mom.

    Possessed mom
