Monday 10 June 2024

Dodging the draft.

When 30-year-old Mark received his call-up papers he did not want to go.

He did not want to die in a futile war.

He hoped he would fail his medical report.

As long as you had two arms two hands two feet two eyes two ears you were fit for the army.

Desperate not to join the army he fought about running away.

But that was an impossibility now everybody had a personal tag implant.

With no other solutions, he had no choice but in a week to get on the bus to boot camp.

Drowning his sorrows and a bar one night he got talking to somebody he could not quite remember who they were.

They told him of a website for people who wanted to avoid the draft.

The next day with a pounding hangover he went online.

He found the website.

It was insane.

There were people on there who had avoided the draft willing to exchange bodies with somebody who had passed it.

Some people were blind some people were missing limbs some people had mental health problems.

They were willing to exchange bodies with anybody who had passed a medical.

He put in his details and his boot camp date.

6 people came up as possible matches.

Out of all of them, there was only one that took his fancy.

She was a big-breasted porn actress.

She wanted a new life and a new identity.

She was willing to swap bodies with anybody joining the army to get it.

A legal body swap would also swap your identity meaning she would still be who she was now but in a man's body.

He did not quite fancy being a woman.

He did not quite fancy being a porn actress.

But he had little time to be choosy.

It was either get shot by bullets or get shot by cum.

He accepted the match.

Three days later he was sitting in an old warehouse strapped to an illegal mine-swapping machine staring at the body that would soon be his.

Ten minutes later he was leaving the warehouse as Sarah s Thomas 25-year-old famous porn actress and off to his first shooting of the day.

I cannot believe how easily I've taken to this.

I thought I would have hated it more than I had.

I can't believe she wanted to give all this up to take my place in the army.

I must remember to send her a personal copy for her in the lunch to enjoy.

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