Thursday 18 April 2024

What do you say we take this back to your room?

20-year-old Samuel was a little bit nervous.
This was technically his first date since what had happened.
He was not sure how he was supposed to react.
His new body made him feel strange and fluttery around the man.
He knew by the feeling in his panties that his new lady regions found him so attractive.
He just hoped he was not the type of girl who put out on the first date.
Sadly he quickly found out he was that type of girl.
It wasn't just his body that had been affected.
his mind also had been affected.
Something about being around men made him dim and horny.
Something about being around men made him just want to drop his knickers and spread his legs.
So after just a couple of glasses of wine and a brief chat, he was back in the guy's room staring at the ceiling and moaning with pleasure as the man stood in and out of him like a pneumatic drill.


  1. Samuel was 20 years-old and he was a bit nervous. Technically this was his first time , since he became actually girl, He didn't understand it, it was like going threw another set of puberty , but this time he was developing into girl, physically and biologically , but his mentally and emotional state slowly started developed , why do I say that, because, at first Samuel was nervous , being a girl, but now each time when Samuel , see a guy, he/she thinks is cute, he/she get flutters in his/her tummy, his/her breasts started to stiffing, and her vagina , twitches a bit. Samuel couldn't believe it , he/she was get horny at guys. Guys mine you. Never mind that a few weeks, months, he/she was one, But now she stop thinking of herself as one. When those periods , or was when she started to stop being to much of tomboy, Or her first dress or pair of heels. Samuel didn't know but she needs go out, have some girl time. But then Samuel notice a cute guy, And he like her. he asked her name, but Samuel couldn't said tell him it was Samuel , so she told him it was SARAH, after a few more glasses of wine, Samuel/Sarah felt a little more horned . And he asked if he wanted to make out, to put it simply have sex. Samuel/Sarah was more than will to drop her knickers (panties). While 15 or 20 minutes . They got there and about 5 or 10 minutes later. Her clothes ,her lingerie was on the bedroom floor. And he laying her on the bed. He was on top of her. first it slowly and each then bit speeded up, like a drill, Samuel/Sarah was slowly to the point of a scream. When he reached his climaxed so did she, Samuel/Sarah was sure how to describe it. Was this ecstasy , was this what girl felt like after sex. After this Samuel wasn't Samuel anymore, she was Sarah body, mind and spirt. I think I'll have another bout with him and his penis in me. What will next week, or next month will be as Sarah. I don't know. But think it will be fun now that this is my first guy, probably not a boyfriend. But I figure out later, I'll still new being a girl and sex thing. that is another story.
