Wednesday 10 April 2024

Shopping with mum.

Brothers 17-year-old Richard and 18-year-old Mac were having one of the most embarrassing days since becoming 16-year-old girls thanks to the greatest shift.

They did not think anything would have been more embarrassing than having to always wear their younger sister Emily's clothes seeing she no longer needed him now she was a 25-year-old man.

They thought nothing could have been more embarrassing than going to school in those clothes.

They thought nothing could have been more embarrassing than when they got their first period and had to go and talk to their mother about it.

But today they would discover how embarrassing it was going shopping with your mother for your first bra.

Their mother announced to the shopkeeper a rather jolly fat man in a flowery dress we were shopping for their first bras!

Which made them go completely red.

Especially when they noticed a couple of their meal friends passing the entrance to the shop on their way to the arcade where they used to meet up next Saturday.

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