Tuesday 9 April 2024

Passing out exam.

Samuel who had now been a young woman for about two years and five months was not sure that he could take the final oral exam.

He would not show that he could get over this Final hurdle and say goodbyes to the last vessels of masculinity inside of him.

But luckily for him, his dorm room sisters were there to help and encourage him.

They had all taken their final oral exams and we're looking forward to leaving the school and starting a new life as wives mothers and Lovers.

Markers they had girl took out of his pretty head and held it in front of the cock.

At first, he felt disgusted by doing it.

He did not like the taste to feel all the texture of it in his mouth.

But the harder it got and the wetter he became the better it felt.

He found himself enjoying it.

There was a strange power in having a man's cocking your mouth.

Doing any second you could bite down and remove it made him wet beyond control.

He soaked and stroked that cock on till it exploded in his mouth leaving a salty sticky trail down his chin.

All the girls in the room cheered and clapped when they saw his cum covered lips.

He had passed his final exam and was now and forever a girl or Saint Mungo School for badly behaved boys.


  1. Samuel had been a girl foe about 2 years , five months and couple of days, since, within the next few months, he still thought himself as he, not her. Thou he been a girl for so, so long. Now it was Samuel final exams , some of them were oral exams. But here oral exams were different. If Samuel passed his oral exams, them the last vestiges Samuels manhood would be gone, goodbye thinking yourself as a he than a she, excepting that fact your girl all the way. But Samuel wasn't willing to take that final step. But Samuel dorm room mates where will to let she fail, so they planned a surprise, they got a naked male that will to help or was a first level guys.it was unknown. All that was known that Samuel was blind-folded to one of the other dormmates rooms, when the blind-fold was removed. He/she saw his/her dorm-mate and a naked guy there. Then he/she realize this was to help him/her pass his/her oral exams. Then two or three held to the naked his/her was staring, at his penis, tit was started to get erected, at the number of girls, and Samuel face was several inches from it. One them said that you know you want to, don't you. Then one of his/her head to it, Samuel was both disgusting and partly wanted it . Then he/she opened his/her mouth and started to suck it, and suck it, it was several minutes before the semen ,the jism started to flow it from the naked guys penis and into his/her mouth. Samuel almost gaged , when he/she drank it, swallow into his/her belly. When it was over Samuel ticks his/her lips, to get the last of her first girlish BJ's. At that moment she wasn't Samuel anymore she was now Sarah now. Samuel for those 2 years, 5 months, Samuel slowly was dressing as a girl ,as Sarah most of time there were slips, if Samuel wore pants to longs, or not wearing skirts or dresses ,or practicing in her heels or makeup, Or act as proper girls, now Sarah would a new member of girls, she would be a girlfriend, wife and lover , Sarah will graduated as a girl this year. She another girl of Saint Murgos school for girls, or bad behave boys , ( thou the last part isn't well known, all the it know they have excellent graduation record, all the girls graduated become secretaries , models, waitress, stardwardess, and then girlfriends. lovers and wives and mother but that is another story)
