Wednesday 17 April 2024

Just like sisters.

21-year-old Sam and 23-year-old Samantha used to be husband and wife0

Samantha had not meant for this to happen.

She had no idea the herbal substance she was putting into his coffee to lower his libido came with some strange side effects.

The first side effect she notices is that he's head with back is long luscious and feminine.

The second side effect she noticed was that his body hair became finer and softer.

The first side effect she noticed was that his skin became milky white and soft.

The fourth side effect she noticed was his six-pack and a beautiful pair of mummy packs with large breasts.

The sixth side effect she noticed was his strong legs and buns of steel became shaped the women's legs and a nice bouncing ass.

The seventh side effect you noticed was the extreme swelling of histamine and the enlargement of his breasts.

Strangely enough, he was oblivious to these changes.

To him, it seemed that troll and normal to change in such a way.

Before she knew it he was five months pregnant just like her.

She took him to the hospital and explained everything that had happened over the past six months.

After running a battery of tests on him and on the substance she had been giving him the doctors concluded that his transformation was permanent and even if they could reverse it it would not be safe for the life growing inside of him.

They now live happily together as sisters.

They breastfeed each other's babies.

They go to mother and baby clubs together.

They may be sitting for each of her when one of them has a date.

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