Monday 15 April 2024

Jayne Mansfield.

Josef always felt like he was in the wrong body.

He felt like he had been born the wrong gender.

He always felt like he had been born at the wrong time.

He always felt like he should have been a Hollywood bombshell like Jayne Mansfield.

One night dreaming that he was living the high life in Hollywood back in the Golden era of films something strange in peculiar happened to him.

The next morning when here well he found himself not in his bed not in his house and not in his body.

Somehow he was back in time in the body of Jayne Mansfield.

He did not care how he had gotten here.

He did not care why he was now her.

All he did care about was having a parent and a pussy to play with all day and night.


  1. A hobo befriends with a teenager, his mom never approved his friendship with this man, she even humiliates him. One day, he found a magic coin and make a wish, for her never exist and the boy have a better mom. In next morning he found himself in her body, he changed reality to replaces her and tried to bem a better mom.

  2. a husband and wife get swapped with a pregnant woman and her child because of the great shift. the husband cannot believe he has to take care of his new child and soon give birth to another one. he is trying to text emergency services for help.
