Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Why did it have to be positive?

Robert was placed in the new body and Life by the witness protection organization.

He went from being a 45-year-old man to a 21-year-old girl.

Which was a lot of adjustment.

It took him a lot of time to get his head around his new gender and sexual identity.

It took him a long time to get his head around his new age group.

After a lot of studying and hard work, he learned about fashion hair makeup colours and how they go together.

He was settling down into his new life as a teenage girl.

He had returned to college to do his new life justice and not fall back into the criminal ways of his old one.

 he got a job at the local grocery store working the cash register and stacking the shelves.

It was tedious work but it was better than the alternative.

lately, he had been feeling steering in his new Limes that he was having trouble satisfying.

Masturbation as a girl was wonderful.

Using the vibrating toy blew your mind.

But he knew down wanted the real thing.

He started looking at young men and they were a completely different way.

He started noticing that seeing them made him wet.

It wasn't long before he was hooking up we were one of the bad boys from work.

It wasn't long before they were fooling around back at his place.

It was awkward confusing and complicated at first dropping your knickers spreading your legs and letting a man take control.

But once you let the body do what the body wanted to do it was mind-blowingly beautiful.

That was until three weeks later his visit from Mother Nature I was late.

He did the most embarrassing thing he had ever done in his life.

He went down to the drugstore and was in a pregnancy test.

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