16-year-old Jonathan did not want to do this.
But he had no choice a woman of his age needed regular check-ups.
So he had no choice but to go to the gynaecologist drop his knickers and spread his legs for his examination.
He looked up at the ceiling as she approached it with the speculum.
To him, it looked like a medieval torture device.
As she slowly inserted it into him and opened his opening he wished the great shift had not put him in the woman's body especially his mother's.
Request story: Older florida mom, was replaced by her perv neighbor.
At first Jonathan was 16 year old guy. Then he sudden was 38 , 39 year old woman. Which was bad enough, what worst was he was his own mother's form, body. If he had choice he would choice twenty-something rich guy with money to burn. But he is now a woman. But what happen to his mother, well she is a kid again and in Jonathan's body enjoy, her/his new body. But Jonathan had be a woman, he hated that he was a woman, that he had to dress up in dress, heels the whole thing a be a mother and a wife. But what's worst to was to the gynecologist. every several time a year. For his exam. The problem is that girls had to go though this for when they hit a certain age of life, and go thou this each time. So Jonathan had to bare it. How can keep be a girl for so many plus years, which is a problem these damn female hormones are starting to affect me, physically, and biology and I'm afraid of mentally too.