Monday 15 January 2024

It's just a living.

25-year-old Paul had body was stolen by a woman he met six months ago.

All he had was the clothing she was wearing and a note she had left him.

It explained who he now was.

Where he now lived.

Why she had done this to him.

She blamed her gender and men for making her live this way.

She felt her life would be better if she were a man.

She spent all the money she had managed to save over the years on a one-way body-swapping spell.

Then she went hunting for the perfect male specimen young handsome with his whole life in front of him.

She told him there was no point going to look for his body as by the time he came around she would be long gone with it and even if he did track her down there was no way back.

She told him to make the best of it and enjoy what she had given him.

He wanted it back desperately.

He hated the body he had been left in.

It was female it was young it was hormonal.

But worst of all was what she did for a living.

She was a naked waitress at the local gentleman's club.

When men pinched every night and were always trying to get into his knickers for money.

The champagne was the more time he spent in her body doing her job the more he wanted their attention.

Which made him wonder how much longer he could hold out before he dropped his knickers for a handful of dollar bills.


  1. What happened to Paul which he was a 25-years-old man, a guy. that was barely six months ago., he met a woman which wanted his body, no actually is body , physically , biological. Why does that mean to him, Well she took his body and gave Paul her body.
    Why did this girl, woman, I think is was, is Sasha. She basically as old as he was to. But she had a problem, she didn't like her sex or gender. She felt that nature cheated her from day one of her born. She believe that because that she wasn't born a man. That she would be ignored, not listening too. Because she has beauty and brains. She always considered to be luck to have a idea or two. Ever month. So if she found a way which did. She found a special spell that could do it. One it one-way once it was spoken, cast you couldn't return to being you again. Two the cost is high so Sasha spend most of her money on it. Three find a compatible body that close in age. Four make sure when he comes her. that Sarah plenty of time of time to adjust her/his new life. So she pick Paul. which she like his body. Five get a job at the Gentleman Club as waitress there, which will keep him of balance, the private dinner area. Which the waitress are nude, well nearly nude, except or a pair sheer stay-up (thigh-heels), pair of stilettos heels. and a garter on one or both upper-thighs sometimes it has a symbol on it whether it means that Paul as Sasha learned later as Sasha. So when Sasha was ready. to switch bodies. When Paul woke as Sasha , He/she was surprised that was looking himself. And he/she was confused that he is a she. Well her now than himself. Saraha/Paul told that Paul/Sasha was now a girl, a female, a woman. Mind and body. That Paul/Sasha had some basic understanding her new body. And certain things that Paul/Sasha ow. When Paul/Sasha slowly adjusted to being a girl./ Thou he/she was still adjusted to being a waitress in the private section the gentleman club. That Paul stops thinking of herself, as a he than a she. That Paul started to think herself as Sasha now. Thou she sort of excepted the stairs, the pinching, Or that that want get in skirts or knickers(panties). that for the significances. of the symbols on those garters belt one leg, Or both. That Sasha was enjoy her life as a girl. She even started dating as a girl. ( note that Sasha old body appeared in the public section the club. He was smiled that me, that he knew that I would except my life as a girl.)
