Sunday, 17 December 2023

Mary Mauser requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef feels depressed and like he cannot go on as a man any longer.

He decided to write to his favourite actress Mary Mauser and pour his heart out to her.

He told her how much he wanted to be a woman.

He told her how much he wanted to know what it was like to wear a pretty dress and high heels without having to took your legs dick between your legs and stuff a bra.

He told her how much he wanted to feel the pain and pleasure of a woman. 

He told her how much he wanted to feel sex and sexual orgasm.

He never expected her to respond to his letter.

Quite frankly he expected her to call the police on him.

So he was surprised and taken aback when he awoke her body lying in her bed at her ceiling.

As he stared at his new pretty face in the mirror and squeezed his breast with his little hand he spotted to know she had left him.

All it said was have fun be good and don't ruin what I have given you boy!


  1. Request story: A Spirit from a dead teenager fuses with his friend's mom. He had all of her memories, his friend doesnt know his mom is actually possessed by friend.

    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.

