Wednesday 1 November 2023

What did I do last night? requested by Erica Bennett

Alan was a little bit overprotective of his little princess even though she was now 20 years old.

Keeping an eye on her he thought he was going to a Halloween party in a very skimpy outfit.

He was just going to phone her and tell her off.

Then he thought that might get him into hot water with her.

He decided to do something more drastic.

With the aid of a spell he got online he decided to possess her boyfriend.

But something went wrong with the possession spell and he found himself in his daughter's best friends body.

She had a big reputation for being a slapper.

He was quickly overwhelmed by her female emotions and sex drive.

He did his best to resist the advances of all the pretty boys that made him wet but it was no good.

He won't the next morning with a terrible hangover naked laying next to his  naked daughter and her boyfriend and the memories of what they got up to the last night came back TO HIM.