Friday 27 October 2023

I hope your true mother never comes to claim you.

Like a lot of men 19-year-old Anthony had not thought about becoming a parent.

It was something way in the future for him or so he fought.

He did not expect when he did become a parent he would be a mother.

But thanks to the great shift putting him the body of a young pregnant woman he found himself in a situation he was not prepared for.

On top of getting used to being a female and learning how to dress himself in women's clothes wear makeup and peeing sitting down he had to get used to the emotional and physical changes of his new female body..
The thought of giving birth and taking care of a new-born baby terrified him.

Before he knew it is due date had come upon him. 

His water broke one morning.

Luckily for him his next door neighbour Sandra who was now in the body of a strong muscular man who made him feel wet was there to take him to the hospital.

17 hours after his water broke he was lying in a hospital bed exhausted in pain holding his new-born baby to his chest feeling a strange euphoria of love.

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