Sunday 23 July 2023

I will do anything for my family: requested by Anonymous


When Alan died he did not know what the afterlife but hold for him.

He did not expect that he would come back as a spirit watching over his own family.

When  he saw his son's marriage failing he decided to step in and do something about it.

He slipped into Mandy his son's wife's beautiful young body and decided to change her as she was the problem in the marriage.

He stopped her drinking.

He stopped her spending large amounts of money on clothes and makeup.

He became the perfect little housewife.

 He makes me wet just looking at him.

 I know I should resist more but I cannot.

 Her body is so turned on by him.

 I have no choice but to give in.

He did not plan on staying long.

He did not plan on sleeping with his son in her body.

But he found himself unable to control himself when she was horny.

He became the perfect little love in bed making sure his son was always sexually satisfied.


  1. A ghost of a old man possess the body from his neighbor's mom.

  2. Man, Josef Zápotocky is a lucky guy to get all these requests filled

  3. Loved it🥰

  4. Can create tag for such stories under father 🥰 I absolutely love such caption
