Sunday 9 July 2023

I am a real woman: requested by Josef Zápotocky

Josef Zápotocky had never felt right in his own body.

he felt like he had been born a woman in a man's body.

he knew he would never be happy until he did something about it.

he started his journey transitioning from male to female.

2 years into journey he was now ready his final snip.

the last thing he remembered was going under for his operation.

when he awoke he found himself not in his hospital bed recovering after the operation but they're nice clean white bedroom.

he pulled up the bed sheets if you were lying underneath and was surprised by what he saw.

he jumped out of bedding suppliers and causes reflection in a mirror.

for some strange reason he was smell in the body of Ruby Rose the woman that he idolised and wanted to be like.

It was only a few hours later when he found out that she was inside his body recovering from his surgery.

it turned out she was the last sexual thought had as a man.


  1. A teen befriends with a old man, he soon discovers his special abilities, he could shapeshift into any being. The boy asks his helps to replaces his teacher in his parent's meeting with his mom.

  2. Josef never felt totally right, as guy, a him, a male. So he when on a journey to change himself, into a girl actually girl, physically, biologically one, he err she was a female, she, a girl. Josef felt he should be born, raise as one, live the life as one. But he felt that is was more cosmetic, than physical. Those people probably are like me, but they feel all it, there is something more just this. But this is as better you can get. But Josef found a way to physically and biologically not change sex, but actual gender. On that day, that spot, for a day and night, Josef passed out, Then when he woke up, the next day. He err she felt different and the same at the same time. She felt normal he err she looked someone he/she idolized a women name Rose Ruby, or was it Ruby Rose, there was some differents like Josef hair was more light brown, the eyes a brighter brown and the tattoos, but those now didn't fell right as a girl now. Each time Josef started to something more feminine, one her tattoos disappear, like that part of Josef's life disappear. How longer the Josef's former life will stay. Hopefully within time, that part of Josef's male life. Will be just a memory of it. Then mark will slowly disappear, like her male self. This probably, this my penance some said but I don't think it is its more a lesson that I'm will to pay for what happen to me, that I became my true self, I'm willing to pay. The question to what name should I call myself. I can't think of myself as Josef. maybe Sarah, Ruby or Rose, Vinia, Vivian. I'm figure things out.
