Tuesday, 20 June 2023

You're not fat you're pregnant!

Daniel had always been self-conscious about his body image.

He was always so conscious by how much weight do he put on.

Everything he had was calorie controlled and he spent 6 days a week after work at the gym.

But all that changed in the wake of the great shift.

He found himself in a young woman's body.

He found himself no matter what he did putting on weight.

He found himself with terrible food cravings.

He found himself being sick in the morning and feeling like he had the flu.

It was only after he went for his first gynaecological exam that he found out the body he was in was pregnant.

  4 more inches and I will not be able to fit it anything I own!


  1. Daniel was always self-conscious about his looks, nothing about him was perfect, the clothes he wore. He always believes that he got the best, counted his calories, he excised nearly five or six days to keep trim. Everything was going perfect. When one day wasn't Daniel he was in a body of a woman twenty or thirty something woman. In area the country that he didn't recognized . He was shocked and surprised that he is a she now, as it slowly dawned on him. He looked his now feminine body. Daniel was still angry, the body he is looked good, even pretty in a girlish way. After a day or two Daniel feminine body was craving strange stuff together, like sour and sweet. Or the morning sicken two or three times in a row. Daniel couldn't understand why, thou he admired she body, he no idea of anything about female problems. What was it. So Daniel had to go to a female doctor, a gynecological, the doctor asked several questions. Did a several tests. The first test, it looks like Daniel was pregnant, this more a shock and surprise that he is woman that he is now pregnant. Several things when though he is mind. Who is the father, why is this body pregnant. Within a few months, and four or five more inches and then the clothes Daniels feminine body wouldn't fit anymore. He/she has get maturity clothes and then give birth take of child, dozens of things Daniel was prepare for. Eventually he might used to being one given time. But he being pregnant is another thing that his world changed completely, he/she needed time to think. TO figure thinks out? If he can ?
