Sunday 16 April 2023

NCIS requested by Josef Zápotocky

Joseph was watching NCIS on his laptop in bed.

He was having a love moment over his favourite character Special Agent Eleanor Bishop.

As far as he was concerned she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

His vigorous watching of NCIS caused him to accidentally knocked a glass of water that was balanced on the edge of his bedside table all over himself and his laptop which gave him a terrible electric shock.

Everything went black for an instant and he felt a horrible amount of pain shooting through his body.

Then everything went suddenly bright and dazzling and he found himself no longer in his bed.

He quickly discovered he was no longer in his body.

He quickly discovered when agent gives shouted Eleanor is everything ok?


He did not know if he was his own laptop playing out the character he was fantasizing about at the time all he did know was that he was now a woman and a agent in NCIS.

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