Saturday 20 August 2022

You can stick that hall-pass up your ass.

Anthony was one of those kids who was straight A-student. He was president of the chess club, and he was good at it, he was a master at it. He was on debate team. He was also a master champion speller in his class for several years. And wasn't well liked because that he was smarter than average of most students and several teachers too.

Then as what happen a role exchanger, fate, or whatever decided to shake Anthony's life up. Being switch with another person, oh no, Anthony was in a body of a female teacher. So, he thought, maybe they'll listen to him now, he's a teacher now a female teacher. But that bodies age was reduced to the age of a teenage and had a body of cheerleader. So still no problem. He could work with that, there are pretty teenage cheerleader that are smart. Then again, a new equation to his transformation. He had sex libido of sex-starved housewife. The next thing was his fashion sense not rotten it was bad it didn't clash,

baddy. His/her makeup and hairstyles of goth chick. Then his/her educational knowledge was of airhead bimbo who would give him the time of day, unless she needed something. Then he/she the personality of a guy who is always got angry and had problem authority.

When it was done Anthony was there, he errs she wasn't one or two people, she was mixer, a chimera of several people and personality, knowledge into one. Anthnoy wasn't anymore she was Nina; it's not known that Anthony was still there in the back of her mind. it was mixed in those new personalities. Or was it removed from her. All she knew that something troubling her.

" Side note what ever happen to Anthony now Nina and the other their form was exchange swapped or whatever, there personalities, there knowledge is a question that is unknown."


  1. Request story: A perv possess the body from his neighbor's mom during the astral projection.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

