Monday 1 August 2022

Scott Thomas 22741

Scott survived the gender wars.

He did not come through it unaffected though.

He was captured by a band of rebel women.

They performed genetic manipulation experiments on him.

The experiments were a success.

He slowly over the space of 6 months turned into a fertile woman.

His final humiliation was when they impregnated him.

The camp was liberated 15 months after he was captured.

He found himself shipped off to an internment camp with all the other women.

He could not get anybody to believe his crazy story.

As far as the men were concerned he was just another rebel woman.

Who deserve whatever was coming to her.


  1. Scott didn't survive the gender wars, how it happens well in the near future technology develop in leaps and bounds. The was so advanced, it was said that we had the technology since his grandfather's or great grandfathers, so it was told. But people didn't want to release it. Until the people were ready, but who controls the technology, and who choice it.
    So, when the technology was released, a spit in certain theories who is better, who rule and service, so the gender wars started. Several years later Scott caught and captured by group rebel women.
    Within the months of capture, Scott was tested on, and performed special genetic experiments. Within a few weeks Scott was fully and completely transfigured into a girl, a woman, his own age. The experiment was a success. Then they implanted Scott with his own male seed. It was about six or seven after they did this. Why did they do this, the reason are many.
    Then after 15 months of his capture, the camp was capture, and was release and send to male internment camps for women. Scott tried to tried explain that he wasn't a woman, not until they experiment some kind strange experiment. He was a male. But scanned him, tested him. To all intendance he was fully genetically a woman.
    They conclude that the rebels did something to Scott's mind, and implants with male seed so they might new citizens of their culture. Beside what male would aloud such test to him.
    NO, you are a woman, and have always been one.
    Beside you should be proud woman, you give new life to our society. Either way your child benefits the true rules.
