Sunday 17 July 2022

A second chance requested: by Anonymous


89 year old Alan lying on his death bed used his last bit of inner strength to send his mind out of his body once again and into the astral plane.

He looked down on his lifeless body with his family standing around him crying.

As his mind cross the street and into the house of his gorgeous neighbour Emma.

He finds her sitting at the downstairs table in her nightwear.

He slowly enters her body and takes over it with no resistance.

Her body felt completely different to his old one.

It was young healthy and full of sexual energy.

He pulled off the bra he was now wearing to get a better look at her beautiful breasts which up to now he had only admired from a distance.

They were heavier than they looked.

He reached up and squeezed them like he had dreamt of doing many times before.

Now turned on an extremely excited he could not wait to slip of her knickers and get a look at her pussy.

It was hard to see so he just let his hands do the seeing.

It was hot sticky and dying to be played with.

He could not help letting out a laugh as he started to stroke the pussy that made his body tingle with delight as he thought about his family reading the will and finding out he had left everything to his neighbour Emma.

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