Saturday 21 May 2022

I don't know why I love it.



It was just a job, like any other job. He was to either get the information give to the people that employed him or terminate the person. He was a shadow, a ghost, in his business. He had a couple talents.

One he can get anything that is necessary, terminate the person that is necessary, leave clues other than accident. And his ability to be another person.
He chooses girls to be at the time, like secretaries, nurses, wives, teenage girls, college girls, cheerleader, sisters, the list goes on. He studies the what to do. Then he become that person, for a few , a day or so. And then he gets out. Leave no trails, no path. Always blend in. He is seen, but not seen at same time.
But this shell, this body he temporary took over was different. He felt that she wanted to get rid of him, and this female shell he is take over. Has a sexual aura about her. That was a bit intoxicating, this never happen to him. It was a bit to much for him.
No it just a job. But he wanted to play in this body a bit, before he finished his job. He had carnal sex with him for a night or three. Then he did his job, and terminate him that last night.
What away to go like that. For some reason, he should left her, that night, But he decided to stay awhile longer. He pretended to be the grieving window at the funeral.
So he send her kid at parents home for a time. So after the kid left, here he could help himself to play with her body some more, she was unique in special, after he was done play with again.
He needs to go back to business again. Thou he enjoy her to much. Maybe he'll borrow her body again soon. But that is for later.


  1. Request: the Spirit from the old owner house, a perverted man in life possessed the body of a shy divorced mother who lives with her teenager son.

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

