Sunday, 1 May 2022

I am Lindsay Lohan: requested by Josef Zápotocky

25 year old  Josef knew it was a little bit strange to have a crush on a 16 year old.

Lindsay Lohan in Freaky Friday.

But he just could not help himself on fantasizing about her and 
what it would be like to be inside her body.

One night as he cycled home from work he spotting a shooting star.
He closed his eyes and made a wish.

He went to bed that night and had the freakiest dream.

He dreamt that he had been born a girl.

He had dreams about wearing dresses playing with dolls and growing up as a girl.

He remembered his first day at high school frightened of all the other girls who were bigger and prettier than he was.

Just as the dream was getting to the juicy bits he was awakened by annoying buzzing sound.

He awoke in a comfortable bed that smelled clean and fresh and definitely girly.

He opened his eyes and was surprised by the girly room he was in.
It somehow felt familiar to him.

It was like he belonged in that room.

his vision was blurred by long tangles of stuff in front of his face
he brushed it away.

He was surprised to find out it was hair something he had not had in years.

He climbed out of bed and felt a strange movement on his chest.

He looked down and saw he now had breast sticking out from the top he was wearing.

He grabbed hold of them and was surprised by how firm and sensitive they were.

He said to himself 2 breasts that's normal for a girl but not a boy.

He put his hand down his shorts and found nothing but a bunch of pubic hair and a very moist opening.

He spotted a full length mirror on the back of the bedroom door.
He walked over and stood in front of it.

He did not know if he should be happy or sad when he saw his reflection.

He was somehow now a 16 year old Lindsay Lohan.

He heard a woman shouting are you coming down for breakfast which brought him back to reality.

Nervously he headed downstairs and joined her family for breakfast.

After breakfast feeling like he really needed to go he had no choice but to visit the toilet

he pulled down his bed shorts and sat on the cold toilet seat trying to relax & not stick his fingers between his legs.

He could not believe how different it was to pee as a girl.

he could not believe how good it felt.

He pulled off a handful of toilet roll.

He wiped himself which caused him to let out a little squeal of pleasure as his hand fell across the opening of her vagina.

after relieving himself he turned on the shower stripped off naked and stepped under the warm water.

He could not believe how much more sensitive female body were.

He wanted to spend more time and play with himself but his mother was outside and she was telling him to hurry up.

he stepped out of the shower.

He dried himself ignoring the tingling excitement between his legs.

He wrap the towel around him and put his dirty clothes in the hamper.

He headed back down the hallway to the bedroom where he pulled some items of clothing and underwear that were not too girly from her closet

He struggled into them whilst her mother shouted at him to hurry up as he would be late for school.

He did not know why but as he was about to leave the house to catch the school bus he turned to her parents give them a kiss each and told them how much he loves them.

He waited at the corner for the bus to pick him up.

He instinctively new to sit at the back of the bus with the girls that were his friends now.

Her friends were surprised to see she was not wearing any makeup as no self-respecting teenage girl would leave the house without putting any on which they quickly rectified.

Which was a little bit out of character for her but they guess she must have just overslept.

Now they were at school he was doing his best to act like the teenage girl in his head.

He knew exactly who they were and what they got up to.

As the memories of the real Lindsay Lohan slowly seeped into his mind  the more like her he became.

So by the end of his first week as her he found himself acting talking and thinking like her.

He found himself getting extremely distracted by handsome teenage boys that made him feel wet in a way he had never felt befor.

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