Monday 14 March 2022

This is who I was meant to be.

55 year old William had not gone there looking for such a complete change.

But the minute he saw it he knew it was the one for him.

He had a hard fight to win it but finally he had.

He had paid almost double the estimate.

But the minute he tried it on he was in love with it.

He signed the paperwork and put his old body up for auction to help pay for this one.

They gave him the clothing the body had come in wearing.

His old identity was transferred to his new body and the name he had picked Emma King.

He ordered an uber and headed home wondering as he sat in the back of the car trying not to flash the driver his new goodies what his family were going to say.

What are the kid going to say when
 I tell them what I have spent their inheritance on?