Monday, 21 March 2022

This is not normal! requested by Anonymous


Alpha and Beta were two aliens being, from a M-class world hundreds and hundreds of lightyears nearly a thousand lights away.

They were sent here to Earth, for explored scientific mission, that their probes discovered a world similar to theirs. Which knew nothing of the human species, or how advance or primitive they were.
Alpha and Beta (there true names are untranslatable), Alpha and Beta were an androgynous, hemihedrite race, they were not male or female, but both and neither at the same time.
Alpha and Beta quickly discovered that, Earth had two basic sexes, and several other alternate sexes too.
So to explore the world, they would have to disguise themselves as two Earthlings. The first two Earthers they found where two women, they thought they were women. How each one dress was different form each other, and style, another reason to study this world.
So they put the two Earth Female in stasis in the hibernation chamber.
And after they places in stasis, they started to alter their form into exact copies of the two women.
Then they hooked their minds into special devices that they could learn to assimilation as to two Earth Females.
As Alpha and Beta arrived to one the dwelling. They discovered that both of them are related to each.
How strange that we are related. We look nothing like alike how odd.
Yes, but I think it is because the variation of sexes, Beta said.
They started to explore a bit the dwelling and surrounding.
But a few hours later, Alpha and Beta feel strange, odd even funny. They, they these urges, these weird, sexual urges.
Which were strange, these feelings, were, were overpowering, they, they quickly removed their female garments, as they nearly were naked. Beta started to explored there female bodies. How it felt, similar but way, way different. They use physical exploration, there bodies.
These human are sexual driven.
It this so, so bad, Beta said.
I'm, I'm not sure. Alpha said. It, It felt so, so pleasant feeling.
As they experiment for an hour later. There hear a door open and close.
Alpha and Beta, quickly were aware, and for some reason. They started to dresses again. before one either ones offspring before they were discovered.
They had to keep it secret from the others. They were ready, or the instruction were study and blending.
Its ashamed and pity. I hear that we can study sexual between the other sex with.
Now that would interesting. Alpha said to Beta.

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