Sunday, 27 March 2022

This cannot be happening.


Arthur was that kind guy; he was a pimp with some talent with magic, but he never, really practices his skill. He could be good even great. He like to use women, he considers, girls, women as second-class citizens and he considers them property. And can used then as he wished. He used them as prostitutes and hookers.

Arthur kept them in control with special jewelry, like rings, bracelets, necklaces. That they could leave him, even they wanted to. And wanted to.
They did everything they were told too.
He thought, he could be touched. Then fate, karma, or plan stupidity.
A group of femininity's social workers wanted to help the girls, that Arthur shoulder stop this business and free they.
He laughed at them, and they should go there male and please them. but he tricked the wrong girl. He placed a bracelet on her.
But he didn't know that the women he tricked was a daughter of powerful wizard.
A week later, the same girls suddenly caught Arthur in a moment of weakness.
A few hours later, he woke up, chained to alter in the middle of a pentagram, and those same girls, which were powerful too.
Before, he say or do anything, they were chanting. As the chanting grew louder and louder, mists and light started to surround him.
As the lights and mist faded.
He could stand up now, and his wrists were manacled. He felt all wrong, the clothes felt wrong, his felt more longer than normal, his chest felt wrong, his voice sounded wrong.
When he saw, a IMAGNE of a woman in the mirror.
Then he realized it. That girl was her.
Then a voice said item 207 just arrived. For auction.
Then a strange man appeared. And grabbed him.
There you are, 207.
Hay waits a minute, I'm girl, I'm a guy. Those bitch somehow transformed me, and sent here. It's. its a mistake. I don't belong long here.
You were sent here, to be sold as a bride to highest bidder,
I am no one's property, I'm especially not a girl.
You are, you are to be sold. And there is nothing you can say or do.
When the stranger left, him, he didn't like it at all. Not at all. The idea, the concept to be sold to a wizard as bride.

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