Wednesday, 9 March 2022

I love you!

Sarah wanted to show her boyfriend Anthony that she did not care that the great she had given him a woman's body.

She wanted to show him that she loved him still & would love him forever.

So she decided to surprise him.

Will you marry me? 


  1. Sara didn't care, Sara didn't that Anthony is now a girl, not dresses like one. But an actual girl, female, women. Physically, biologically, genetically too. Sara didn't that the transformation is mentally, and emotionally a girl. Anthony was a girl; he still had those feeling. But his new body, his form is a girl. He or she couldn't love Sara in a physical, or carnal way.
    But Anthony since his change his transformation. Since her change, but Sara did love him as a guy, and still loved her as a girl. Sara knew that she wanted to be with him/her.
    So, Sara when to the mage, the witch that transformed Anthony. And asked that she, could turned her back to him.
    The Mage said that Anthony was more girl that guy, thou Anthony still loved Sara in a spiritual way. But Anthony wanted to be herself.
    But there was an option, for Sara to be with Anthony both physically, and spiritual. Only if you choice to?
    Sara asked that was.
    I can change you into a male, the mage said.
    Me a guy, she said.
    Yes, if you do this, you will be a guy, physically, biologically one, you are probably one and you don't know it.
    If I do this, can I Change back. Sara said.
    No, the process, is permed, if you do this, you stay as a guy for all your life.
    Sara thought for several minutes, and said, do it, I will be a gut. I guess that I always one, in sense.
    A day or so later. Anthony was walking near one of her favorite spots. A young handsome guy. Who strangely looked familiar walk to her.
    Said hello beautiful, he said.
    As Anthony looked at did, then, she realized it, Sara, Sara is that you.
    Yes, and no, it's William now. I, I want to ask you a question. Will, will you marry me. He said. As he kneeled to Anthony.
    Anthony was shocked, surprise, glad and happy, that she could marry, her I mean him. I sense we both got there wish. TO be husband and wife.
    At the moment, she didn't care how or why. This one of the happiest days of her and his life.

    1. Why Anthony changing it is was complicated. Maybe she was, before she became herself. She did care for Sara, but she be a regular girl. Sara did want her, but it was deeper than physical, but like Anthony she felt wrong was her physically too, so mystical alteration. Things set in its proper path.
