Saturday 25 December 2021

Christmas Wish.

Every year 16-year old Michael would write to Santa Claus for the same thing.

Every year he would wake up on Christmas morning disappointed.

But this year things were different the minute he awoke he knew things had changed.

He jumped out of bed and sore to his delight this year he got what he had always wanted.


  1. Every year for 10 years, he had a wish, a special wish. 16 years old, Michael never got his special wish. Then things were different, it said if you wrote on a special magical paper, with a special magical ink. You write, what you want. Fold it three times and throw it in a fire. About one or three nights be Christmas and your wish will be true.
    Michael knew it would be true. He wrote it down, folded it up. And three in a fire.
    As he watched the flames burn it, he saw the sparks float in the air.
    Christmas morning, Michael felt different like was never before. But now Mikka got of bed. And checked if it were true. At the first time. She wanted this time, this time was special this time she was truthy happy.

    1. thank you, I wanted him to have a catalyst, to get it. Why the special paper and ink. I wanted him/her to send his/her wished to the universe?
