Its been a little more than 7 months now. Samuel thought to herself. Yes, Samuel was starting to think, of himself as a her, a she.
It was 7 months since that strange flu, what it they called it oh yes, The FemFlu, it seem the most who get its minor effects on a person. Especially on guys.But for a very few the changes are major.
Samuel was one was effected on major way. At first it seem very minor, but was so.
The first month is appearance was sorta androgynous. His body changing, and changing by the second or third month his appearances was more feminine, physically ,biologically was about more girt than guy.
Fortunately or unfortunately was more girl than guy. There was still some maleness on him.
In this time he looked androgynous or tomboyish in appearances because how he dressed.
But the forth month he was a female nearly 100 percent sorta. Physically, biologically and genetically he was a girl. Emotionally he was starting, to learn, dress and even act like a girl.
Thou this transformation, he didn't like it, but he found out that he had that unique gene that helped his transformation.
In the forth or fifth month it was or learning lesson on being a girl. Sometimes he slipped back a bit at times being who he was a man.
Another thing that he couldn't refuse the facts. His body was behaving like he was girl, actual. and so was his emotional state too. His behavior was still mixed between who he was and the girl she is.
Around the 7th month , summer was on us. And Samuel was convinced to go the beach. So for some reason, in the back is mind. He was a bit scared of wearing a bikini. Yes, he like looking at girls in bikinis and now he is the one in it.
He couldn't believe this he was in a bikini. He great in it. He thought a piece would be better. He couldn't find one at the time . And he needed the beach time, he wore it.
As he removed short and tops off herself.
He noticed that guys were staring at him. And thought what am I worried about it. I'm a good looking girl.
I know that I probably noticed girl before like this, and girls at me , and so are the guys. Maybe, just maybe I can find a good looking guy. To spend sometime together maybe have some drinks together.
Maybe something more, why did think that to. Well I could use a drink or two.
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