Monday 5 April 2021

Annalise Basso: requested by Josef Zápotocky


Agent Josef  did not feel 100% comfortable with this assignment.

But if the FBI were going to catch her stalker he needed to be the perfect Annalise Basso doppelganger.

Which meant on top of looking like her he had to be able to walk talk and act like her in front of her adoring fans.

which was something the academy had not prepared him for.


  1. Will be tonight some next of my requests please

  2. Agent Josef was not comfortable not 100 comfortable by doing this assignment.
    He knew that he wasn't the most average type agent. But they need someone different, Someone who could blend in.
    He was picked, why because had that androgynous look to him, almost feminine in nature.
    They could used female agents which they had lots of female agents. But none that that was close to her. In size, shape to Annalise Basso.
    But strangely he was, close to her. In size, shape well, he's close. But with some proper adjustment, the right hair, the right clothes. Some altering his voice to more feminine voice. The proper makeup.
    He could be her exact double. He didn't want to do this , but he was need. So he did it, the days, the weeks of training, adjust him into a more feminine state.
    He was a exactly double, almost a doppelganger to her, to Annalise Basso.
    If you didn't see them, together you thought, that Josef was her.
    He acted so much like her, that fans did know it was her, or him.
    They need him to be her because of a stalker, that wanted her, believe that he was her girlfriend, lover.
    As he went down the elevator, he looked perfect, exactly like her, but why does this bother him. It was his sixth sense. There was some bothering him, was it that he look like a girl, dressed like a girl for a evening out. That he sounded , even acted as a girl.
    Then was something in the air. He want not do it. But he had too. He had to be her. As the door opened. It was like a reflex almost automatic he was her.
    How long before this end. At is the question.
