Thursday 25 March 2021

What's Michael going to think?

Out and proud homosexual Tony pulled the fabric of the knickers he was now wearing up.

He stared down at the perfectly smooth crotch between his legs.

The thing he now had between his legs was something even when he was a man he was not interested in.

He felt sick and repulsed by it.

He said to himself I don't know how I'm going to live with this thing as he let go of his knickers covering it back up.


  1. Tom was proud of being a gay, he was proud being a homosexually.
    He never wanted to be a girl. He like girls as friends, buddies, he never wanted this.
    But somehow, someway, he became a girl. A actual girl.
    He couldn't believe it. He was physically, biologically, genetically a girl.
    He couldn't believe it, He looked like he was born one.
    He can't believe it, he took off his clothes, his pants, his blouse, he was wearing a pair of panties and bra.
    No, no, this is a joke, cruel joke. He removed his bra off of his. And tried. To pull his breasts off him.
    Ow, that hurt. Oh my goodness. There real.
    Then he sat down on the bed, He slowly looked down between his crotch.
    No, no its , its gone. My, my penis is gone.
    I, It have a f--king vagina. I, got girl parts on me.
    What, what, is this what I sound like. Then he looked at himself.
    No, no, I, I look like a girl. I look like a freaking girl.
    I, I don't like this, I don't want this.
    I'm happy being gay. I'm happy with my life.
    Tony didn't realized it. He room looked different, it looked like a girls room.
    Tony couldn't stand the sight of it, he wanted his penis back. He wanted it so much.
    Then started crying, he was so emotionally, all most like a girl.
    Then something happen, to him. Was it he was, excepting it. He was starting to have memories, feeling, like he was a girl.
    Something wrong, wasn't it. A part of him, wasn't a him, he was a she. That what was what he worry about. He was a guy. Was he gay. He did like guys, he like guys like a girl. That he to hold on to.
