Saturday 27 March 2021

I'm the man I'm in charge! by Mary: By Rhodry

He hated hated it, he really hated it. Not because, he couldn't try to fight back. He couldn't. He didn't have the strength to. Why, because, one his ego, his male pride, former male pride. And a powerful spell. Which he agree to. That he would be a she, and she would be a he for a period of six months.

There were several rules. If one or the other left for a period 48 hours. The spell would seal them in the other body. Two you will be given a sexually comfort to your new body. next some basic knowledge. Of the how and why of your new gender.
But he did want that. he thought, he could handle it, but she did. But they were given the bare basics, well he was given it. She wanted full understanding.
Then they were switched, she felt great, but he felt odd, almost strange.
He knew he was her, and she was him.
He tried to act strong, and powerful.
But it didn't work, somehow she as a man, seem to be more stronger , more powerful. It was like her bitchy behaviour, or macho behaviour was still there.
He wanted to complaint , but he couldn't. I was like he was weak. Well physically he is now, but seem his behaviour was because, he could and at the strength to back it up.
Now was weak, almost afraid. But that's not possible.
Was it he could winner, because he was stronger, bigger.
But why is she doing to this to him.
To teach him a teach, to show, he was more weakly, that he was a girl.
Wait, he wasn't a girl. Well he is a girl, physically , biologically, genetically now. But is a guy, mentally , emotionally wasn't he.
Why was that he caved-in so quickly, why was it, that he didn't argue to her. Was it payback. Was it that she was more of a macho guy. Than he was.
Or was it he was, more of weak girl. That he is now.
She demand things that he did, and he did it. Why because if he didn't if he tried, try to, be a girl , for the rest of his days. She ideas that, could prolong it ?


  1. Could you please write a caption where I steal Lindsey Pelas's body

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.

