Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Why would I give you up?

4 years ago Robert was a victim of identity theft.

They stole everything including his body.

He was left in the body of a young woman.

He reported the theft and left it in the hands of the law.

He got his identity his money his property and his job back.

The only thing they could not locate was his body.

He spent the first year in his current body hoping everyday his body would be found.

But slowly over time he settle down into his current body.

After a while he started seeing it as his own.

He allowed himself to get comfortable in it.

He allowed himself to start rebuilding his life.

He found himself slowly over time becoming a woman.

He found he was no longer sickened by the thought of having sex with men.

He openly pursued his new sexuality.

He found he quite enjoyed the female role in sex.

He fell in love with a man and they started dating.

After a year of dating they got married.

6 weeks after his marriage he discovered he was pregnant.

Just a little over 9 1/2 months ago he had given birth to his baby.

He was happy in his new life and no longer wanted to go back to his old one.

So when the body theft agency that was dealing with his crime contacted him this morning to tell him the good news that they had located his body.

He just told them that he did not want it back.

He told them he was happy where he was.

He told them he was now a wife and a mother and wanted nothing more in life than that.


  1. This 4 year old owned property?

  2. Robert had a good life, maybe a great life.
    But somehow his life career, his life, his maleness was all gone.
    Because the one who taken it wanted it, he believe that he was better being him, than him.
    But that along he was switched several times.
    His last body was of a young female body.
    Why was it, taking because the person needed her body.
    He was switching into hers. And what happen to her. Was unknown.
    But it was several weeks until he realized, his new form , felt funny, strange. He thought his new feminine form. Was sick, probably so kind flu or virus.
    But no, he found out, he was sick. It was his first period.
    It was terrible, did all women go threw it.
    After a several months he started to adjust his new life. As a woman.
    He started to dress more, and more girlish. He started to think of himself as a her, or she.
    Then a year later, Robert or what was Robert. She called herself Rachael. Was different then Robert.
    She met a man. She fell in love. With a man, she had a tell him, that she wasn't always Racheal, she was once Robert.
    Your a transsexual he asked.
    No, it was more complicated that, to put it simply my form, my body was taken from me. And I was put in a my body of this girl.
    It took me a year to adjust being a girl.
    My sorry I had to tell you this, my I do love you. And want to with as a girl. Being a girl for a short want to be your girl.
    I know that you never wanted to be her, but did fall in love with you as you.
    Then we got marriage , a few weeks later I got pregnant, but about eight or nine months later. She gave birth to there first child. Darling baby boy.
    She happy somewhat adjust to her life as a girl.
    Barely three years later she was contracted by special agency that deal with such things.
    That her former male body, was found, and the person whos body she was in now.
    Either wanted to return back to there former body.
    Racheal's didn't want to return to being Robert again. And the person Racheal didn't want to return either to.
    I'm happy now as girl, a wife and a mother. I'm also pregnant again . And expecting a other child again.
    I'm happy for you. You know I'm not really Racheal.
    Yes, I'm you in a sense I me, so I'm her not you.
