Saturday 6 February 2021

Is he really looking down my top? By Rhodry

Matthew always felt that he was never a man. That he should have be a girl.

Once Matthew transformed himself into a girl, physically, genetically, biologically, emotionally. And mentally too.
After several months special genetically therapy. He looked like she was natural born girl.
Than barely a few months she was a man.
She was a 100 percent a girl. Other than living the last twenty-some years as a guy. Having the memories of being a girl. Or the experience of being one.
She change her name from Matthew to Marsha. After the first few weeks the surprise of me being a girl wore-off.
I thought I would be treated like the rest of other girl.
I was right sorta. But not.
When some of my supervisors, but there hands on me. Touched my should or arms a bit.
Sometimes it felt funny , strange. For her. It was like she could sense it.
It was hard understand. Maybe because, she born a male.
Or was it, even when she wasn't a girl.
Before she became her true self.
Why did they still are doing it to her.
Maybe because they think when I pretended to a man. I still think like one.
That's probably why in part.
But I don't have the female experience. To truthy know what to truthy do.

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