Sunday 17 January 2021

Magical Panties: requested by Anonymous.

Ryan was into all things body swap and transformation.

There was not a single blog website or YouTube channel he had not signed up to.

So he wasn't too surprised when he received an email from a company called your dream transformation.

He opened the email thinking it would be a link to a website to do with body transformations.

It was not exactly what he was expecting.

The email sent him to a website selling magical panties that could transform you into your inner woman.

He was just about to close the page thinking it was some sort of scam site when his curiosity got the better of him.

He went to the terms and condition page and read you could pay by PayPal and you had a guarantee.

He filled out the shipping details and paid by PayPal $6.66.

3 days later he received his parcel.

He took it off to his bedroom and locked his door.

Now in the safety of his own room he ripped open the package and pulled out his panties.

There was no instructions on how the panties worked so he just guessed he put them on.

He slipped them on.

They felt very uncomfortable at first.

But slowly he started feeling something strange happening to him.

His hair started to grow long and luscious.

His face became softer and more feminine.

His ears became small and delicate.

His shoulders his arms his chest his hips his legs his feet became more delicate and feminine.

His stomach became flat and smooth.

His ass became big and bouncy.

Then the biggest change happened.

His balls receded back into his body .

His penis and ball sack practically vanished leaving a smooth pair of vaginal lips in their place which made his panties fit better.

Then he felt like he was having a heart attack.

His chest ached and he felt like there was an incredible weight on it which just turned out to be too beautiful big bouncing breasts bursting out finishing off his transformation.

He spent a pleasurable couple of hours getting to know his transformative body.

He was really enjoying himself but he knew he would have to take them off and turn back into a man sooner rather than later.

So after a fun-filled day he slipped off the dripping wet panties he was wearing and waited for the transformation to happen.

But to his dismay nothing happened.

Which started to make him panic a bit.

He went through the box to see if there was any paperwork he had missed first time around in his excitement that would tell him how to turn himself back.

But all there was was there shipping invoice.

Something on the invoice caught his attention though.

It was the description of the item he had bought (one-way transformation magic panties).

He wondered how he was going to explain this to his mother and father.

He wondered how he was going to explain this to his boss.

Luckily for him the panties did not just work on him.

They worked on the universe around him.

So as far as anybody he knew he had always been Rebecca the cute fun-loving girl he was now.

Which made getting used to his new life a lot easier.


  1. Ryan read hundreds of stories, watch lots videos on YouTube. About transformation of guys into girls.
    Part of him wanted to changed into those girls. But he knew it wasn't really possible, if it could then many guys change into girls and back.
    But he knew that if chance, if it was true, if it was possible, he would take it.
    Then there was if strange site. That they say to you could physically change into a girl.
    He it would disguise him, but if it could do it. It would be amazing.
    When got this disguise , it was a pair nylon/rayon panties. Nothing really special.
    So he just put them on. At first nothing happen.
    Then something happen, to him.
    He body was changing reshaping into a more feminine shape. It was like his body shifting into something else.
    After several minutes of transformation.
    He saw his new shape, he look like a girl. The touch his new feminine form.
    He tried to speak, at first his voice cracked a bit. After a while , he sounded like a girl, with a masculine tones or a bit deep, but still feminine.
    He decided to go out as girl. A tomboyish girl , but I girl.
    After his afternoon as girl. And decided to removed the garment and return to himself again.
    Nothing happen , he was still a girl.
    After check the invoice, the garment once place on the person. it will change the person into another gender. And it will be a normal pair of garment.
    Was now was a problem , he didn't want his parents that he is girl now.
    Then his mother and father there place. For a moment they looked there feminized boy.
    For a moment they were confused, after a moment of so. Then he acted like its normal for him as a her.
    They mention you should start dress more prettier or style your hair.
    Allot it was like I was their daughter instead of their son.
    He went his room, it changed a bit there certain thing different, almost feminine in a tomboy look.
    Oh my, its like things change for me not just physically and genetically. But it like my life is girl, I'm not sure I like it. But I'm a girl now, which I wanted , this is my life what my life as Rebecca.
    I have a whole life as a girl. What kind of I am. Or will be is the question now. But I have time figure it or decided be!
