Monday 12 October 2020


Although he was supposed to be Alan's friend, Rob played practical jokes on Alan anytime he could think of one. 

When Rob found out he could rent one of those giant fake cakes, that women jump out of, for much less if he didn't also hire a woman to jump out of it, he came up with a simple plan. 

He would have the cake sent to Alan's house on the 12th of September -- only it would be Rob who would pop out roaring to see if he could scare Alan.

When the cake was brought into Alan's house, Rob was trying to stay quiet and not laugh out loud. 

He could hear that other friends of Alan's were there. "All the better!" thought Rob.

"Make a wish! Make a wish!" chanted the guests.

Rob could hear Alan pretending to blow candles out. 

"Now!" he thought to himself and popped up out of the cake as he had planned but, instead of doing anything to even try to scare Alan, Rob found himself grinning and wiggling and holding a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" sign that he didn't remember having.

Rob was surprised that all the other guests gasped "Jennifer!" when they saw him. 

They seemed just as surprised as Rob was even though they all seemed to know Jennifer.

Rob was surprised that he let Alan help him out of the cake.

Rob was really surprised that he was wearing a women's 2-piece swimsuit *and* that his chest had no difficulty filling the top piece out.

Rob was totally shocked that he spent most of the rest of the party sitting on Alan's lap and letting Alan eat real cake icing of his fingertips and, eventually, other parts.

Rob's heart raced as Alan carried him up the stairs to the bedroom after all but one of the guests had left.

Rob felt shivers go up Jennifer's spine he heard his own voice for the first time all day calling up from downstairs "Best wishes, you two lovebirds! Hey, Jennifer, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" and following up with his own laughter.

Rob experienced first-hand the drooling of Jennifer's pussy when Alan opened the gift he had wished for.


  1. It suppose to be a big surprised a sorta of a joke, on his friend. When he found out it. He ordered those big fake cakes, that a girl pop out. He decided to use it to his advantage. Instead of a girl. It would be me instead. He pretended to get a girl for the party. so pretend to be nice, and do what was needed.
    On the day, he sent the cake to his friends place, he enter the cake the hour or so before the celebrate. Then the cake was rolled into the party. He waited for the proper time, to jump out and say surprise.
    It seem he was in the cake for long time. He had a funny strange feeling, while waiting for the proper time. Then people say happy birthday, and blow-out the candle. Then he pop-out. When he pop-out it wasn't him, but it was a girl. He err she was in those two piece bathing suit, sash, nylons and heels, and long gloves. For some reason. She went to Alan, wrapped her arms around his neck. And kissed him, like it was normal. Then sat on his lap, near his groin. She seem very pleased to meet him.
    After the party ended. She still there, then a guy that looks like Alan, that was look at them go to the bedroom. For more celebrating in private. So Alan is discovering being the surprised. So if it happen if I believe how it will happen her now! She discovered certain things!
