Wednesday 23 September 2020

This is very important.

19-year old Jason who was now in the body of a 14 year-old girl thanks to the great shift regretted telling his mother about the stomach pains he had this morning.

As she sat him down in her room and gave him the talk all mothers give their daughters.

The talk about how the body he was now in was changing.

How this change was not to be scared of but to rejoice as he was becoming a woman which was a marvelous and wonderful thing.

Then she went on to explain to him the ins and outs of a female period and the differences between pads and tampons and how to use them.

Which just left him sit in their shocked and stunned by it all.



  1. He could never understand why girls, have this problem, each time of the month, why some times, some girls don't like the body, either there to big or to small. Then he sudden is into a body of young girl a third younger than him. After a few weeks being a girl. He as girl is starting to develop. And she starting understand ever a bit. What they are going though she know was it was, like too!
