Tuesday 18 August 2020

How did you do this?

Tony was excited when his girlfriend told him she was pregnant.

He was really looking forward to her breasts becoming ginormous.

He could not wait to play with them all the time.

So he was very disappointed to find out his girlfriend did not seem to have the same enthusiasm towards them as he did.

She said to him I wish you could experience what being pregnant is like.

I wish you could find out what it feels like to carry a baby inside yourself.

I wish you could find out what it is like to drag these things around grabbing her breasts for emphasis.

Tony just looked at her and said it's not as bad as you women make it out to be.

You have only been pregnant 5 months and you are constantly moaning about something.

If men were the ones to get pregnant they would not complain.
which now he was learning was the wrong thing to say.

As he woke up the next morning in his heavily pregnant girlfriends body.

Which ached all over and was not a pleasant experience.


  1. Just wait until he gets the pampered treatment. He'll love being pregnant then and grow to love being a mom

  2. It seem fun and great, playing a girl for a short time. But imagine being a girl. While being pregnant. You'll change you mind in those weeks and months!!
