Sunday 7 June 2020

What's come over you? requested by Anonymous. (Sunday)

William had felt there was something strange about his mother ever since that night she was mugged on the way home.

The person who had mugged her was quickly arrested and sent to a sanatorium for psychological evaluation as his defence was that he was in fact William's mother and she had her body stolen by the robber which of course nobody believed at the time.

It was just little things at first that Drew his attention that there Might be something wrong.
The way she spoke.
The way she walked
The food she liked.
The drinks she drank.
What she watched on TV.

The improper way she played with herself in front of him and his friends which was definitely out of character for her.

He was seriously starting to wonder if that crazy man locked up was in fact telling the truth after all.


  1. Nice. Can you do a cap in where a guy masturbates to 2 girls at the same time during the FOSE and end up in ver 2 bodies?

    1. thank you for taking the time to get in touch.
      I have added it to my list and I will work on them shortly.


  2. Muy buena, pero esperaba que estuviera la mía,espero que no la hallas olvidado la escribí en (no puedes haceme esto) otra petición, la escribí en español y me gustaría mucho verla


    1. hola, tu historia no ha sido olvidada. Me he sentido un poco abrumado con las solicitudes de historias.
      deberías estar despierto el próximo domingo ya que eres parte del próximo partido.

      Podrías crear una historia en la que María quiere escapar de sus trabajos y clases virtuales, Haci que hace un ritual para intercambiar cuerpos con su amiga jeison, pero está equivocada y en lugar de que el ritual sea una semana, es un echiso permanente, ahora María ella está feliz de ser un cuerpo masculino si las responsabilidades y Jeison no tienen más remedio que aceptar que ahora es una mujer y debe continuar con la vida de Maria, cuando de repente llega su novio y ella está caliente y es su deber satisfacerlo. ya que es su novio y en el cuerpo de María es 100% heterosexual


      Anónimo06: 47: 00
      Lo siento si lo escribí en español pero no sé inglés, pero me encantan tus historias y la página las traduce para mí, espero que puedas entenderlo

    2. Muchas gracias, estare al pendejo este eres el mejor

    3. Pendiente* jeje perdón


    4. Está bien, lo siento, está tomando tanto tiempo

    5. No no te preocupes tomate tu tiempo, aprecio todo el trabajo que haces y no me importaba esperar

  3. Could you please continue the cap series of“you can’t do this to me” in the following link,so eager to know what will happen in the latter parts of the caption story!

  4. Thank you very much!

  5. I simply love it, Very good!

    Could you continue this series?

    You are the best
