Saturday 18 April 2020

Let's get out of here.

On the run from a government kill squad political prisoner Anthony knew there was only one way to escape.

He pulled the nondescript box out of his pocket.

He opened the box and removed the syringe.

He injected the green liquid into the side of his head.

He screamed as it burnt into his mind.

It projected his mind away from his body into another time and space.

He found himself standing in the middle of an apartment completely naked and completely female.

He had no idea where he was.

All he knew was that he had managed to escape using a trans dimensional jump.

He looked around the apartment he was now in trying to work out from the decor roughly what century he was in so he would know what to expect from the locals.

From what he could tell it was the 20th century and he was in a place called Manhattan.

He knew according to the countdown clock ticking away in his head he had 79 hours before he could jump again if needed.

He stared down at the female body he now had and said to himself this is a change.

He quickly got dressed finding the whole experience of being a woman a mind bender and headed out not wanting to stay in the same place too long just in case they could follow his temple stream.

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