Sunday 19 April 2020

I am not ready for this.

Anthony sitting next to his mother Melanie could not stop crying.

Despite his mother's best efforts he could not see any upside to his current predicament.

He said to her it's ok for you.

You are young and healthy again and it won't take you long to get used to being a boy.

But look at me.

I'm about the same age and I am pretty sure I would get used to being a girl if it wasn't for the fact the girl I got put into was up the duff.

I am not ready to go through childbirth.

I am not ready to be a teenage mummy.

I did not imagine my teenage years would involve breastfeeding and changing dirty nappies.

His mother tried to reassure him that everything was going to be ok and they would get through this together but he just could not see that.

Pretty soon it's actually going to be here and then what the hell am I supposed to do!

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