Wednesday 15 April 2020

Hate it when she does this.

Rebecca really did not want to go to Summer Camp but mother and father insisted that she did saying it would help her make friends and come out of her shell.

She knew it wasn't a nice thing to use magic abilities for personal gain but she could see this was the only way out of it.

So first night at camp she stared in the mirror.

She used it like a Scrying glass.

She saw her brother lying in bed fast asleep.

She turned him into an exact copy of her and herself into an exact copy of him before swapping places.

Making him spend three months at summer camp making friends and learning life skills while she spent three months in his body misbehaving and getting up to no good.

Simon wished he did not have a witch for a sister.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He could not believe she had done it to him again.

He knew there was no point phoning home & threatening her to swap them back as she would just do something more horrible to him and then spending time in her body.

So if she had no choice but to knuckle under and pretend to be his sister at summer camp.