Sunday 3 November 2019

Doing it for mother.

Aaron the son of a seamstress stood there in his new innocent female form in front of the prince of the Fairies as a lady-in-waiting who had gotten him ready for this let the dress he was wearing drop to the floor showing off his gorgeous body.

He reminded himself he was doing this to save his mother who had unwittingly upset the queen of the Fairies when she accidentally picked berries from the Royal domain.

The queen of the Fairies who was known for her bad temper had imprisoned his mother in a fairy ring.

He remonstrated with the fairy Queen offering his life for his mother's.

The fairy Queen accepted his offer and told him she would use her magic to turn him into a woman.

She would turn him into the perfect mate for her son.

She told him all he had to do to free his mother was to give them an heir who was half fairy and half human.

He accepted her conditions and allowed himself to be transformed.