Sunday 6 October 2019


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Samuel despite his ordeal smiled as he stood in the sunlight for the first time in over a year.

He no longer cared that he had been kidnapped and forced into genetic experimentation which had turned him into a fully functional woman.

He no longer cared about the many hours he spent being experimented on by the doctor's to change his memories.

He was now free.

He made his way across the waste ground towards the highway in the distance which he saw as his way back to civilisation.

He Stopped a passing car and beg them for help.

They let him in and they took him to the local police.

Where he rapidly tried to get them to understand his story.

Which after having his photograph and fingerprints taken he was sent off to the hospital put into a psych ward for further evaluation.

Which left the doctor's and the police puzzled as his fingerprints said he  was a man named Simon Williams who went missing a year ago but according to the doctor's as far as they could tell she had always been a woman.

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