Sunday 10 March 2019

The Big Day.

This was not how Jeremy imagined his wedding day.

He never thought he would be the Bride in the white dress.

He never thought he would be walked down the aisle by his dad.

But thanks to the great shift putting him in a woman's body and a stupid one night stand with his best friend & no protection he had little choice but to marry the man he had had sex with as his parents who threatened to cut off his trust fund did not want his child born out of wedlock.

Part 2 by nikir77

Jeremy now going buy the name Carol which was the bodies name, had to marry the guy because not only the trust fund was waved in front of their noses but also a hefty bonus was given to Carol if she named the child after her now husband who was named after his father and his father before him so the child would be Robert Bruce fifteenth


  1. Jeremy now going buy the name Carol which was the bodies name, had to marry the guy because not only the trust fund was waved in front of their noses but also a hefty bonus was given to Carol if she named the child after her now husband who was named after his father and his father before him so the child would be Robert Bruce fifteenth
