Sunday 24 February 2019

It feels cold against my skin.

James had no idea when he bought this necklace it would turn him into a beautiful woman the minute he put it around his neck and fastened the clasp.

But now standing there completely naked looking over the gorgeous female body he now had he was sure he would never take the necklace off.


Part 2 By nikir77.

James found out three things about the necklace; First she could change what she looked like once a month from an extreme change to just a hair color or eye color change. 

Second as long as the necklace stayed on she would stay a woman 1hr for 1hr, 1day for 1day, unless she got pregnant then she would stay a woman for nine months no matter if she had the necklace on or not.

Third as long as she kept the necklace on she would stay forever young.


  1. James found out three things about the necklace; First she could change what she looked like once a month from an extreme change to just a hair color or eye color change. Second as long as the necklace stayed on she would stay a woman 1hr for 1hr, 1day for 1day, unless she got pregnant then she would stay a woman for nine months no mater if she had the necklace on or not. and Third as long as she kept the necklace on she would stay forever young.
